Thursday, June 9, 2011

Outreach Week 3: A BAd Week

How's this for honesty: this is going to be a disappointing post about a disappointing week.

According to our team leader, Lusi, weeks 1 & 2 of outreach is the “honeymoon phase” (can't remember the highlights of outreach weeks 1 & 2? Click HERE to read the post or HERE to see the Facebook pics), while week 3 is where it all falls apart. Our group was no exception and it all started and ended in a town called Ba.

Things just went BAd.

BA hum bug.


We were never suppose to go to Ba in Week 3. We were suppose to go to the town of Vatukoula, where we were going to help out the local pastor and advertise for the upcoming free medical clinic. Well, things don't usually go as planned in Fiji, and this outreach location was no exception. Our accommodation fell through, so we were sent to Ba, which is halfway between Lautoka and Vatukoula. We didn't have much of a plan, but we did have a roof over our head and a chicken to shower with.

Yup, that's what I said- a chicken to shower with. This little bird brain made her home in our shower and never, ever left.

And yes, it was creepy. And weird.

Thank you for asking.

We stayed with Pastor Saki, who literally moved into his home that week, and we took over his house- all 10 of us. The week was long (really, it seemed never ending), extremely hot and nothing was going our way. Towards the end of the week we hadn't accomplished much, we still weren't sure if the medical outreach was even going to happen and we were starting to wondering if we were ever going to leave Ba. And then Sitara decided to leave. Yup, only week 3 of outreach and she quit and left. So then we were nine. We made the best of things and, literally the day after Sitara left, things started going our way again and we really got into the swing of things with this outreach. But more of that in an upcoming post (hey, I gotta do something to keep you coming back).

But here's some pictures for you to feast your eyes on...

Loading up the Mercy Truck in Lautoka to go to Ba

Inside Pastor Saki's house

A local church

The oldest bus in the world (well, that's my guess)

For more pics of Ba, go to my Facebook album by clicking HERE.

I hope I didn't disappoint with my disappointing post about a disappointing week.

Thanks for reading,


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